In this site is is shown a step by step example about the using of ROS by means of a simple execution. Essentially, two types of executions are possible:
  • Local execution, where we must install and execute all the components of ROS in the same machine.
  • Remote execution, we only install and execute the ROS Client and we connect with the ROS servers at TRACER.
The instructions about the utilization of each component are presented in the following links:
  Using Client
   In order to start up the Client, we must execute the program:
  • pressing the executable file > ROS_Client.exe (Windows S.O) .
  • writting the shell command % sh ./ROS_Client.bin (Unix/Linux/Solaris) .
To use correctly the Client of ROS, you should make the following steps:
  1. Select an idiom .
  2. Identification/Registration.
  3. Select type of algorithm, server address and programming language.
  4. Obtain the screen of specified algorithm.
  5. Introduce input parameters.
  6. Execute and obtain results.
1)  In the first screen that appears (Figure 1) you can select the language in which work.

Figure 2 : Main client window.

4) Once identifying, it passes to the following screen pressing Start -> Open.

5) Now (Figure 3), you should select the type of algorithm, the server machine where to find it and the programming language (of the algorithm) in the different options that presents it. Before this, you´ll obtain the available algorithms types list by means of the sequence Configuration -> Search Server in the main menu.

6) Once completed this, you will already be able to go to specific type of chosen algorithm screen. In order to this, go away at main menu and press in Configuration -> Open Algorithm Window. Within the algorithm screen, you will see the fields of the specific parameters (with values by defect) which should complete. (Figure 4).

Figure 4 : Client window of chosen algorithm.

7) Once have completed all the fields with its values, you should press the boton EXECUTE. Now the program will carry out to the data communication and the execution of selected algorithm.

Figure 6 : Client window with results.

Finally, if it wants to make a new connection to execute another type of algorithm, the only thing that must do is to press New Connection (Figure 8) in main menu (Configuration Option), and carrying out the same process since the fifth step .

2)  After this, press OK and the main screen of the client program will appear.

Figure 1 : Client window to choose idiom.

 3) Here (Figure 2), it should be identified writing your ID and password, next choose the address of the Primary Server respect to you want to work with and press the LOGIN button.

After this, if the identification is correct will show it a mensage to continue. In another case, will show you a mensage recommending you register, this do it pressing REGISTER.

Figure 3 : Client screen for algorithm and server choosing.

If the algorithm requires an evaluation function (or any external file), you can load it by means of the search screen (Figure 5) pressing EXAMINE.

Figure 5 : File selection window.

Finalizing the cycle, it will show the results in its corresponding fields (Figure 6).

In error case, the system will show messages o us specifying the nature of the some one: communication (Figure 7), execution, compilation, etc.

Figure 7 : Communication error message.

Figure 8 : New Connection.
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   Using Primary Server

In order to start up the Primary Server, we must execute the program:
  • pressing the executable file ROS_PServer.exe (Windows S.O) .
  • writting the shell command % sh ./ROS_PServer.bin (Uix/Linux/Solaris) .
It will appear in the screen a window similar to the worker (Figure 9).
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   Using Server

To start up the Distribution Server, we must execute the program:
  • pressing the executable file ROS_Server.exe (Windows S.O) .
  • writting the shell command % sh ./ROS_Server.bin (Uix/Linux/Solaris) .
It will appear in the screen a window similar to the worker (Figure 9).
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   Using Worker

To start up the Worker, we must execute the program:
  • pressing the executable file ROS_Worker.exe (Windows S.O) .
  • writting the shell command % sh ./ROS_Worker.bin (Uix/Linux/Solaris) .
It will appear in the screen the window presented in the following figure.

Figure 9 : Worker error message.

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