TRACER Software contains the software delevoped by the members of the TRACER Project:
1. MinLA Repository: is a repository for the Minimum Linear Arrangement problem (MinLA), including theoretical results, numerical results, and related links.
2. 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Repository: this web is a repository about the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack problem and the heuristic methods to solve it.
3. K&P. Co-algorithms for Minimum Spanning Tree: implementation of Kruskal and Prim co-algorithms for minimum spanning tree using sockets and shared memory.
4. Visualisation of Grab & Go systems: web site devoted to describe Grab & Go systems.
5. R.O.S: is a client/server Internet system endowing researchers with the ability to submit their problems to be solved by our optimization techniques.
6. SIPGE: a Parallel Genetic Programming tool for solving optimization problems.
7. HSF-SPIN-ACOhg: A modified version of the HSF-SPIN model checker with ACOhg included.