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2003 Publications


C. Cotta, P. Moscato, A Mixed-Evolutionary Statistical Analysis of an Algorithm's Complexity, Applied Mathematics Letters 16(1):41-47,2003

C. Cotta, P. Moscato, The k-FEATURE SET Problem is W[2]-Complete, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 67(4):686-690, 2003

C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Embedding Branch and Bound within Evolutionary Algorithms, Applied Intelligence 18:137-153, 2003

C. Cotta, J.M. Troya, Information Processing in Transmitting Recombination , Applied Mathematics Letters, 16(6):945-948, 2003

E. Alba, F. Luna, A. Nebro, J.M Troya, Parallel Heterogeneous Genetic Algorithms for Continuous Optimization, Special issue in Parallel Computing, (to appear)

E. Alba, G. Luque, J.M Troya, Parallel LAN/WAN Heuristics for Optimization, Special issue in Parallel Computing, (to appear)

C. Cotta, P. Moscato, A Memetic-aided Approach to Hierarchical Clustering from Distance Matrices: Application to Phylogeny and Gene Expression Clustering, Biosystems, (to appear)

A. J. Fernández, P.M. Hill, A Constraint System for Lattice (Interval) Domains, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, (to appear)


Book Chapters

R. Berretta, C. Cotta, P. Moscato, Enhancing the performance of memetic algorithms by using a matching-based recombination algorithm: Results on the number partitioning problem, M. Resende, J. Pinho de Sousa, (eds.), Metaheuristics: Computer-Decision Making, pp. 65-90, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA, 2003

P. Moscato, C. Cotta, A Gentle Introduction to Memetic Algorithms, F. Glover, G. Kochenberger (eds.), Handbook of Metaheuristics, pp. 105-144, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA, 2003


Referred Conferences

E. Alba, G. Leguizamón, G. Ordóñez, Evolutionary Algorithms for the Minimum Tardy Task Problem, N.C. Debnath, G. Montejano, D. Riesco (eds.) (eds.), International Conference on Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, e-Business, and Applications, CSITeA’03, Río de Janeiro, pp. 408-413, 2003

E. Alba, B. Dorronsoro, Auto-Adaptación en Algoritmos Evolutivos Celulares. Un Nuevo Enfoque Algorítimico, Actas del Segundo Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas y Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB’03), Gijón, pp. 176-185, 2003

E. Alba, F. Luna, A. Nebro, Parallel Heterogeneous Genetic Algorithms for Continuous Optimization, IPDPS-NIDISC'03, Nize, p. 147, 2003

E. Alba, G. Luque, Parallel LAN/WAN Heuristics for Optimization, IPDPS-NIDISC'03, Nize, p. 147, 2003

E. Alba, G. Luque, Algoritmos Híbridos y Paralelos para la Resolución de Problemas Combinatorios, Actas del Segundo Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas y Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB’03), Gijón, pp. 353-362, 2003

C. Coello, E. Alba, G. Luque, A. Hernández, Comparing Different Serial and Parallel Heuristics to Design Combinatorial Logic Circuits, (eds.), NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware, EH’03, Chicago (USA), pp. 3-12, July 2003

C. Cotta, A Study on Allelic Recombination, 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 1406-1413, IEEE Press, Canberra, 2003

C. Cotta, Protein Structure Prediction Using Evolutionary Algorithms Hybridized with Backtracking, Artificial Neural Nets Problem Solving Methods, J. Mira, J.R. Álvarez (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2687, pp. 329-326, Springer-Verlag Berlín Heidelberg, 2003

C. Cotta, On the Evolutionary Inference of Temporal Boolean Networks, Computational Methods in Neural Modeling, J. Mira, J.R. Álvarez (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2686, pp. 494-501, Springer-Verlag Berlín, 2003

C. Cotta, A. Mendes, V. Garcia, P. França, P. Moscato, Applying Memetic Algorithms to the Analysis of Microarray Data, Applications of Evolutionary Computing, G. Raidl et al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2611, pp. 22-32, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2003

C. Cotta, Un Análisis de la Recombinación Alélica, Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, Actas del Segundo Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas y Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB’03), pp. 168-175, 2003

Antonio J.Fernández, Teresa Hortalá-González , Fernando Sáenz-Pérez, Solving Combinatorial Problems with a Constraint Functional Logic Language, International Symposium in Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, New Orleans, USA (2003) 320-338.

M. Giacobini, E. Alba, M. Tomassini, Selection Intensity in Asynchronous Cellular Evolutionary Algorithms, E. Cantú-Paz et al.. (eds.), Proceedings of the GECCO'03, Chicago (USA), LNCS 2723, pp. 955-966, 2003